
P4G Shadows Guide

This page may be moved/remade if I end up making a P4G shrine page or if I make a complete guide to the game.

All info is from the Wiki. If anything is wrong please leave a comment on my profile and I'll fix it!

This is a shadow guide for Persona 4 Golden only.

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Twisted Shopping District . . . Yukiko's Castle . . . Steamy Bathhouse . . . Marukyu Striptease . . . Void Quest . . . Secret Laboratory

To search for a specific enemy, use Control + F or "Find in page"


Term Definition
Weakness You or the enemy will take or do additional damage and be knocked down if you are hit with the element listed as the weakness.
Strong You or the enemy will take or do reduced damage if hit with the elemented listed as its strong element.
Null You or the enemy are immune to damage from the listed element.
Drain The attack will heal the target instead of damaging them.
Repel Attack will not damage the target and will instead bounce back and hit the attacker


Marker Meaning
Rare shadow
☂️ Only on rainy days
Underline Bold Hover for more information

Twisted Shopping District


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Slipping Hablerie 1 40 35 Elec Fire - - - -


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Shadow Yosuke 3 300 200 Elec - Light,Dark - - -

Yukiko's Castle


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Lying Hablerie 5 73 51 Ice,Elec Fire - - - 1, 3
Calm Pesce 6 82 23 Wind - - - - 1, 3
Trance Twins 7 222 22 Fire Elec - - - 3, 4, 6
Black Raven 7 138 25 Elec - Fire,Wind - - 3-5
Magic Hand 8 130 10 Ice Phys,Wind - - - 3, 4
Secret Bambino* 10 80 62 Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind - - - - 4-7
Positive King 11 350 43 Light,Dark - - - - 4-7
Bronze Dice 10 180 34 Elec Phys - - - 4, 5, 7
Burning Beetle 13 134 51 Ice,Light, Dark Phys - - - 4-7
Phantom Mage 13 124 152 Elec,Light Phys,Dark - - - 4-6
Heat Balance 15 140 136 - Light Fire,Ice - - 6, 7
Magical Magus 14 280 135 Light Wind Fire - - 5-7
Laughing Table 10 164 154 Wind Elec - - - 3-6
Avenger Knight* 15 300 87 Fire - - - - 7
Happiness Hand 10 150 100 - Fire,Ice, Elec,Wing, Light,Dark - - - 3-7


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Shadow Chie 6 1000 - Wind Phys Light,Dark - - 2
Avenger Knight 11 900 87 Fire - Light,Dark - - 5
Charming Prince 14 850 - Elec Wind light,Dark - - 8
Shadow Yukiko 15 2500 - Ice - Light,Dark Fire - 8
Contrarian King 17 1600 500 - - Wind,Light, Dark Fire - 8

Steamy Bathhouse


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Rainy Brother 4 ☂️ 16 92 131 Ice - Phys,Fire, Elec,Wind, Light,Dark - - 1,2,8-10
Bribed Fuzz 17 152 88 Fire,Dark - - - - 1-4
Autonomic Basalt 16 161 13 Wind Phys - - - 1-4
Monopolizing Cupid 18 100 88 Ice Wind - - - 1-4
Cloudgirl Pot ☂️ 18 175 102 Elec - - - - 3-5,8-10
Pursuing Pesce 18 125 85 Light - - - Ice 1-5,8
Daring Gigas 19 25 46 Light,Dark Phys - - - 2-4,6-8
Nizam Beast 18 288 57 - - - - - 1,2,4-7
Phantom Master 20 162 189 Wing,Light - Dark - - 5-8
Iron Dice 21 178 44 Elec - - - - 1,5-7, 9,10
Vicious Raven 20 105 98 Elec Wind - - - 3-10
Dancing Hand 20 135 121 - Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind - - - 1,2,5-8
Selfish Basalt 22 168 80 Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind, Light,Dark Almighty - - - 5-7
Rainy Sister 4 ☂️ 21 80 136 Ice - Phys,Fire, Elec,Wind, Light,Dark - - 5-10
Tranquil Idol 22 185 165 Dark - - - - 3,4,6-8
Wondrous Magus 25 165 269 - - - - - 5-10
Egotistical King 23 206 105 Fire - - Elec Light,Dark 5-10
Killer Twins 24 160 48 Fire Phys - - Elec 8-10
Grave Beetle 26 155 67 Light Dark - - - 8-10
Crying Table 24 139 177 Ice Phys,Fire, Elec,Wind - - - 8-10
Wealth Hand 20 300 250 - Fire,Ice, Wind,Elec Light,Dark - - 1-10


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Daring Gigas 24 928 100 - - Light,Dark - - 7
Nice Guy 24 (?) 800 - Ice Wind Light,Dark, Fire - - 11
Tough Guy 24 (?) 800 - Fire Wind Light,Dark, Ice - - 11
Shadow Kanji 25 2000 - - - Light,Dark Elec - 11

Marukyu Striptase


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Rainy Sister 3 ☂️ 28 80 203 Ice - Light,Dark Phys,Fire, Elec,Wind - 1,2,7-10
Creation Relic 27 159 205 Elec Phys,Wind - - - 1-4
Soul Dancer 28 180 129 - - - - - 1-4
Death Seeker 28 310 339 Light - Dark - - 1-4
Miss Gene 27 186 30 Elec Fire,Ice - - - 1-4
Rain Wheel ☂️ 30 50 56 Elec - Light,Dark Phys,Fire, Ice,Wing - 3,4,7-10
Persistent Fuzz 29 150 100 - - Light,Dark - Fire,Ice, Elec 1-6
Sonic Raven 29 210 84 Elec - - Wind - 1-4,6
Idle Basalt 29 195 27 Fire,Elec Ice,Wind Phys - - 1-4
Venus Eagle 31 216 140 Ice Wind - - - 2-8,10
Liberating Idol 31 256 232 Fire,Light - - Dark - 5-10
Killing Hand 32 208 179 Phys - - - - 5-10
Enslaved Beast 32 250 91 Wind Elec - - - 3-10
Forgotten Hablerie 31 220 133 Elec - Fire - - 5-9
Rain Leg Musha ☂️ 34 256 79 - Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind Light,Dark - - 5,6, 9,10
Blooming Bambino 33 260 194 - - - Ice - 5-9
Adamant Beetle 33 140 116 - - - - Phys 7-10
Silver Dice 31 250 83 - Phys - - - 5-8
Large Basalt 33 200 29 Light,Dark Phys - - - 3-8
Champion Knight 34 265 116 - Phys - - - 5-10
Sky Balance 30 218 440 - - Phys,Light, Dark - Elec,Wind 9-10
Mighty Cyclops 35 220 330 Ice - Fire - - 8-10
Arcane Turret 35 564 264 - - - - - 1-10
Treasure Hand 30 400 171 - Elec,Light, Dark Fire,Ice, Wind - - 1-10


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Amorous Snake 33 1012 148 Fire (?) - Light,Dark - - 7
Shadow Rise 35 2800 800 - - Light,Dark - - 11
Shadow Teddie 35 5000 1500 - - Light,Dark Ice - 11
Momentary Child 37 4500 1000 Ice,Fire Phys Light,Dark - - 11

Void Quest


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Rainy Castle ☂️ 37 220 296 Ice - - Phys,Fire, Elec,Wind - 1,2, 8,9
Dependent Basalt 36 162 23 Light,Dark Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind - - - 1,3,4
38 134 245 Fire Ice,Wind - - - 1-4
Lustful Snake 37 255 157 Ice Fire - - - 1-4
Justice Sword 37 205 76 Elec Ice - - - 1,3,4
Corrupt Tower 36 325 209 Wind Elec - - - 1,3,4
Amenti Raven 39 155 117 Elec - - Wind - 2-4
Spurious Book 39 142 242 Fire,Ice - - - - 2-4
Rainy Sister 2 ☂️ 40 42 40 Elec - - - Phys,Fire, Ice,Wind 3,4, 8,9
Fate Seeker 40 200 333 Ice - Phys - - 2-4
Blind Cupid 38 210 6 Wind Elec - - - 2-4
Blue Sigil 42 339 329 Phys - Light,Dark Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind - 1-8
Rainy Pot ☂️ 41 62 178 Fire - - Phys,Ice, Elec,Wind - 5-9
Rain End Musha ☂️ 42 566 73 - - - - Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind 3-5, 8,9
Whimsical Papillon 40 245 334 Ice Elec - - - 5-7
Anguish Basalt 41 122 19 Elec,Light, Dark Phys,Ice,
- - - 5-7
Strength Beetle 40 180 164 Dark - - - Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind, Light 5-9
Almighty Hand 40 284 238 Ice Phys,
- - - 3,4, 6-9
Rainy Brother
2 ☂️
43 89 190 Ice - - - Phys,Fire, Wind,Elec 6-9
Avarice Bambino 42 172 167 Fire - - - - 5-7
Platinum Dice 43 256 59 Ice - - - - 3,4, 6,7,
Monomaniac Fuzz 44 196 105 Elec Wind - Fire,Ice - 5-8
Leading Idol 43 327 322 Elec Almighty - - - 3,4, 6,7,
Ardent Dancer 44 163 231 Fire Wind - - - 5-9
Protective Lexy 46 153 451 - Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind - - - 5,8,9
Steel Machine 45 65 55 - Phys,Fire, Ice,Elec, Wind, Almighty - - - 8,9
Beastly Gigas 45 234 94 Ice - - - - 8,9
Scarlet Turret 46 355 246 - Phys - - - 6-9
Supreme Hand 40 500 200 - Ice Fire,Elec, Wind,Light, Dark - - 1-9


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Killing Hand 42 885 100 - - Light,Dark - - 7
Mitsuo the Hero 45 1400 1000 - - Light,Dark
Shadow Mitsuo 45 4000 1000 - - Light,Dark - - 10
Escapist Soldier 47 3800 1000 Ice, Wind Phys Almighty Light,Dark - - 10

Secret Laboratory


Shadow LVL HP SP Weakness Strong Null Drain Repel Floor
Constancy Relic 46 240 246 Dark Phys - - - B1-B2
Flattering Hablerie 47 324 199 Ice - - - Fire B1,B2,B4
Insolent Basalt 45 190 25 Elec Phys - - - B1-B2
Inviting Nyogo 47 358 174 Fire - Elec - Ice B1-B2
Rainy Brother 1 ☂️ 44 110 193 Elec - Light,Dark Phys,Fire,
- B1-B2
Rainy Sister 1 ☂️ 44 110 193 Fire - Light,Dark Phys,Ice,
- B1-B2
Royal Dancer 47 282 210 - - - - - B1-B2
Source Basalt 45 170 44 Light Phys - - - B1-B2
Dismayed Panzer 48 320 164 Elec Phys - - Wind B3-B4
Dogmatic Tower 48 259 339 - - - - Fire,Elec B3-B4
Flowing Sand 47 274 351 - - - - Fire,Ice, Elec,Wind B3-B4
Furious Gigas 540 318 117 - - - - Fire,Elec B3-B4
Rainbow Twins ☂️ 48 250 149 Ice - - Elec Light B3-B4
Red Sigil 48 247 405 Ice Phys,Elec, Wind Light Fire = B3-B4
Shallow Okina 49 267 322 Elec - Dark - Light B3-B4
Chaos Fuzz
Fail Gene
Immoral Snake
Mach Wheel
Mighty Beast
Raindrop Musha ☂️
Wild Drive
World Balance
Dominating Machine
Elegant Mother
Fierce Cyclops
Hell Knights
Jotun of Power
Mind Dice
Order Giant
Power Castle
Truth Pesce
Wicked Turret
Opulent Hand