A lot has happened since I last made a blog post (unfortunatley I lost them while remaking the website)! I've updated the site 2 times, started going to a new school, started on some cosplay projects and a lot of other smaller things!
I decided to remake the site when I finished switching my files from FileGarden to Neocities because I realized I didn't really like how it looked. I've also been making a bunch of random websites to practice so I decided to update my site to include some things I've learnt and for a smaller/more compact layout.
Going back to what I said in my firt pragraph, I started some new cosplay projects! I'm working on an Angel Devil cosplay and a Boothill cosplay! Angel Devil is the main one I'm working on right now since the wig for him came yesterday which was $70.. o(°ˊДˋ°)o
I don't have anything else to talk about so thats it for the blog post ヾ(*'▽'*)
Currently Feeling: Sleepy
Currently: Calling my friend