Welcome to my blog! Just a warning, I'm not good at writing. I'd say I'm shit at writing but hopefully it makes sense to more people then myself. Also, the program I use to code doesn't have spellcheck so I apologize for my atrocious spelling.


The current mood of derangedyaoi at www.imood.com

Blog Posts


I start at a new school location tomorrow. A bit nervous since it's bigger then the last one and this one is 2 stories instead of just 1 but all my lolita/ouji clothes came today so I'll at least look nice!

I also went through some of my photos today because I was bored and I found one of my favourite photos of my Lucy cosplay (image to the left)! It's been a couple months since I last cosplayed, I really need to again.. I have an egghead luffy cosplay I'm supposed to have finished in around 4 months but I havent even started on it.


Toured the new school location today and I'm gonna start going this week! I also had an appointment with a new psychologist! Hopefully soon we're gonna know if I have OCD or not. Not a ton happened today but some stuff happened so I thought I'd just share it.


School started yesterday, didn't go though. Me and my mom are looking into switching locations for my school because someone my current place made me reallyyyy uncomfortable. I have a couple appointments this week so at least I'm not gonna be cooped up in my room the whole time before I switch. One of my appointments is to see if I can up my T dose! I'm pretty excited about that! Haven't really been up to much lately so theres not really a lot to talk about but I thought I'd make a blog post anyways.


Finally finished my website and stuff!! I set myself a rule I couldn't play any games until I finished my website and I ended up finishing this in 3 days!! I've been trying to work on this for probably a couple weeks but couldn't get a result I liked but I finally have something I'm happy with and I like! I also started playing DMMD (since I can now) and am almost finished with corpse party and FFVII Remake!